Sunset Youth Activities
Visit this page to see all the upcoming events for the Sunset Youth this month!
Visit this page to see all the upcoming events for the Sunset Youth this month!
Everyone is invited for a wonderful time of Worship through song and fellowship.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
Sunset Kids and their families are invited for some “Pizza & Playtime”! Pizza will be available at the Church Pavilion.
The ladies of the Palm Beach Lakes congregation are inviting you to be their guest at our 42nd Annual ladies' Day on Thursday, April 17.
Please join us for a Seder Passover Meal. This is an RSVP event & will include dinner and a brief program on similarities of Passover & Jesus’s Last Supper.
Sunset Kids and Sunset Youth and their families will meet at the outdoor chapel for some special activities.
Join us in the church pavilion for a special morning to praise God, pray together, and bring Him all our requests and thanks.
Are you ready for some Barbecue? Everyone needs to bring a guest and enough food for your family and some to share!
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
The ladies of Sixth Street Church of Christ are excited to announce their annual Ladies’ Day with guest speakers Becky Blackmon and Janet Wilson.
Make plans to join us at Sunset for our Black History Month event this year.
Save the date! Come watch the game with us.
Click for more info.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
We invite you to join us for a night of worship and prayer at the church building. This event is in Spanish. Please bring finger food to share with everyone afterwards.
Everyone is invited to the Sunset's Annual Chili Cook-off in the Fellowship Hall. So start digging out those award winning chili recipes. Prizes awarded for Best Chili, Best Hot Chili, and Most Unusual but Edible Chili.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
Sunset Kids and their families are invited for some “Pizza & Playtime”! Pizza will be available at the Church Pavilion.
Meet together in the pavilion for hamburgers, chips, a bonfire, popcorn and a movie. Please bring your favorite dessert to share and a lawn chair or blanket for the movie.
Come with the entire family and enjoy some traditional Christmas carols, cookies, hot drinks and a craft that will be enjoyable for all ages in the Fellowship Hall.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
Come join us for an afternoon of Caroling! Anyone wishing to participate is invited to join us at the School Library for a brief meeting this Sunday.
The Perez Family would like to invite the kids and their parents to have Breakfast with Santa!
Join us on Sunday, November 24 for a bilingual service and meal after the service.
All ladies are welcome to join us for our first Friendsgiving at Sunset. Please bring finger food to share and invite a friend.
Join us at Sunset for some Family Fun! Make sure to invite your friends!
Please help Sunset Kids and Sunset Youth experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
Sunset Kids and their families are invited for some “Pizza & Playtime”! Pizza will be available at the Church Pavilion.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
All ladies are invited to join us for a 5 week study on the book of Phillipians.
Make plans to join us at Sunset for our Hispanic Heritage Celebration event.
We invite you to join us for a night of worship and prayer at the church building. This event is in Spanish. Please bring finger food to share with everyone afterwards.
We invite you to join us for a night of worship and prayer at the church building. This event is in Spanish. Please bring finger food to share with everyone afterwards.
Please help Sunset Kids experience the JOY of serving others.
Click to see this month’s project.
We will be meeting in person on a trial basis starting Wednesday, August 21 at 7:30pm. Registration required for kids in preschool through 5th grade.
Join our bilingual assembly to celebrate our Back to School Sunday and special recognition of kids who are starting kindergarten! Also, make sure to join us for a Spaghetti Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall after the service.