Corporate worship is a transformative experience for all ages. As a diverse community learning to follow Jesus, Sunset welcomes parents of infants and toddlers, even with extra movement or sound, but understand the need for quiet spaces for nursing, napping, or wiggling.
Our redesigned nursery offers a comfortable area for infants and a Wiggle Room for children under 3 or those with special needs, allowing parents to stay engaged while meeting their children's needs. Parents can choose to participate in worship in these spaces or leave their children with trained volunteers. Quiet toys and access to the service help prepare kids to rejoin the assembly. For the auditorium assembly, use the area behind the glass; for the Fellowship Hall assembly, use Room 3.
Families with children over 4 should remain in the assembly. For support, contact Julie Bergman, Sunset Kids Minister, who can provide resources to connect your child to worship, including the weekly Kids’ Bulletin and Connection Bags (to be returned after service).